Median Technologies announces the availability of the preparatory documents for the Shareholders’ Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meeting on June 20, 2023

Sophia-Antipolis, France

Press release – For immediate release – 5:45 pm CEST

Median Technologies announces the availability of the preparatory documents for the Shareholders’ Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meeting on June 20, 2023

The shareholders of Median Technologies (ALMDT:PA) are invited to participate at the Shareholders’ Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meeting which will be held on Tuesday June 20, 2023, at 11:00 AM CEST at PDGB, 174 avenue Victor Hugo – 75116 Paris.

All useful information relating to this Shareholders’ General Meeting is regularly updated on Median Technologies’ website.

Shareholders may exercise their voting rights before the holding of the Shareholders’ General Meeting, either by returning their postal voting form, or by giving proxy. The detailed procedures relating to the exercise of the right to vote are specified in the notice of the Shareholders’ General Meeting, available here on Median’s website

The preliminary notice of the Shareholders’ General Meeting has been published in the BALO (Bulletin des annonces légales obligatoires) on May 15, 2023.

The documents referred to in Article R.225-83 of the French Commercial Code are made available to Shareholders as from the date of the convening notice for the Meeting in accordance with applicable regulations:

  • Registered shareholders may, up to and including the fifth day prior to the Meeting, request that the company sends these documents to them free of charge. For shareholders holding bearer shares, the exercise of this right is subject to the provision of a certificate of registration in the accounts of the bearer shares issued by the authorized intermediary;
  • Shareholders may consult these documents at the company’s registered office, Les 2 Arcs, 1800 route des Crêtes – 06560 Valbonne, under the conditions provided for by applicable regulations.

The documents to be communicated within the context of the Shareholders’ General Meeting may be consulted and downloaded on Median Technologies’ website under the “Shareholder Meetings”  section here.

Download 20230530_PR_OEGM_20230620_EN.pdf

About Median Technologies

Pioneering innovative imaging services and Software as Medical Devices, Median Technologies harnesses cutting-edge AI to enhance the accuracy of early cancer diagnoses and treatments. Median’s offerings include iCRO, which provides medical image analysis and management in oncology trials, and eyonis™, an AI/ML tech-based suite of software as medical devices (SaMD). Median empowers biopharmaceutical entities and clinicians to advance patient care and expedite the development of novel therapies. The French-based company, with a presence in the U.S. and China, trades on the Euronext Growth market (ISIN: FR0011049824, ticker: ALMDT). Median is also eligible for the French SME equity savings plan scheme (PEA-PME). For more information, visit


Median Technologies
Emmanuelle Leygues
VP, Corporate Marketing and Financial Communications
+33 6 10 93 58 88

Press – ALIZE RP
Caroline Carmagnol
+33 6 64 18 99 59

Investors – ACTIFIN
Ghislaine Gasparetto
+33 6 21 10 49 24