Yearly Median Technologies liquidity contract statement contracted with AUREL BGC Company

Sophia Antipolis, France

Press Release – For immediate release – 5:45 PM CET

Yearly Median Technologies liquidity contract statement contracted with AUREL BGC Company

Under the liquidity contract entrusted by Median Technologies to AUREL BGC, the following resources were listed in the liquidity account as of December 31, 2019:

  • €141,002.52
  • Transactions:
BUY 129,054 shares  €217,013.37 256 transactions
SELL 156,230 shares  €264,113.08 256 transactions


For information, as of June 30, 2019, the following resources were listed in the liquidity account:

  • €104,740.61
Download 20200109_PR_liquidity_Y2019.pdf